The program also displays the selected pixel and its corresponding X and Y coordinates. Pixie is a cool little program that makes it easy for users of all levels to instantly reproduce colors in. Here are my thoughts and headcanons on pixies!:3 I like making fey a bit weird and less human-looking. Please do not post anywhere else. Yeah! Ok now seems a good time to finally post this, its a comic entry for a Pixie and Brutus contest the creator held over Instagram. If you wish to find a.

When they got to Tink's house, it was past midnight, Tinkers' Nook was fast asleep as they flew down, Terence opened the door, 'lady's first' he said,
'why thank you' said Tink laughing. She moved in the house and looked around, then stared at Terence by the door, she smile but the smile disappeared as she say on her bed. Terence noticed this and moved further inside and kneeled down on the floor in front of Tinkerbell,
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'you ok Tink' he said, Tink just slowly nodded her head putting back the smile on her face, Terence knew it was fake. 'Come on tinker, I know you well enough to know that there is something wrong, please tell me' Tink shock her head,
'I don't know, I just feel after you walk through that door, you will forget the ceremony like a distant dream and we will never talk again' Terence gasped and grabbed her hands,
'how could you think that, I love you Tink, do you love me' he said, Tink bit her lip,
'I guess I do' he smiled and leaned forward against her ear,
'say it, say that you love me' he whispered,
'I love you' she said quietly,
'I love you' a bit louder this time,
'louder' he demanded, Tink bit her lip.
'I LOVE YOU TERENCE, I ALWAYS HAVE, EVER SINCE YOU CONVINCED ME TO STAY IN PIXIE HOLLOW, YOU'RE ANNOYING BUT THAT WHAT I LOVE ABOUT YOU' she blurted out, Terence stared wide eyed in front of her, he didn't expect her to say that much, after he could see Tink had calmed down, he leaned forward and softly kissed her cupping her cheeks in his hands. Tinkerbell melted into the kiss, she felt like Rosetta around Sled, she put her arms round his neck and deepened the kiss.
*** Lemon Scene, you have been warned ***
Still kissing, Terence pushed her back and moved his hands round her body, stroking her hair and wrapping his arms round her. They pulled away for air and stared at each other breathing rapidly, they knew they wanted more, Terence kissed her again not as soft this time and threw his jacket off, he could feel Tink beginning to unbutton his shirt as he unzipped her ice dress, he just realised that her dress as nice and warm.
'Ice fairies' he said, Tink knew exactly what he was talking about and smiled, after all his buttons were undone, she threw his shirt off of him and stared wide eyed at his chest, Terence smiled at her and kissed her again while grabbing her dress and carefully pulling it off. He kissed down her stomach making Tink moan, he pulled off his trousers so they were both in just their undergarments. He moves up to her neck and sucked and bit on it, Tink moaned louder making Terence giggle, Tink thought that Terence's weight on her felt like heaven, was this what Periwinkle said about having a nice night with prince charming.

Terence removed her bra, made out of leaves, and threw it to the pile of clothes already on the floor, he moved down to her breasts and gently sucked and massaged them, Tink moaned and grabbed his hair, she arched her back letting Terence put his arms round her waist pulling her closer. They were breathing heavily and were beginning to sweat, but they both knew that this wasn't the end, he moved up back to her mouth and softly kissed them as he gripped onto her pants and slowly slide them off while she did the same with him.
They were now completely naked and they just stared at each other breathing heavily making sure they were both sure about this, they nodded at the same time and Tink wrapped her legs round his waist giving him more access. She looked down at him and felt nervous, this was her first time, she gasped when she felt the tip of his member against her pussy. Terence began to kiss her keeping her distracted while he pushed into her, he swallowed her screams and kissed away her tears,
'I'm sorry, did I hurt you' he said worried, Tink swallowed,
'don't worry, I heard the pain is only supposed to last for a few moments, just give me a sec' he nodded and waited for her to adjust to him. He saw he beginning to relax and gasped as she moved feeling the sweet friction between them, he could feel his wings begin to flutter with excitement. He pulled out almost all the way and pounded back into her, her moans were loud as he continued to thrust into her, they put their foreheads together and they moved in perfect sync. 'AAAHHHHH' she cried, they could both feel that they were close,
'you ok' he breathed, Tink nodded and pulled her head back,
'I'm close' she whispered. Terence then had an idea, he pulled out of her, which made her whine, but he wasn't done, he flipped her over so she was on her 4s and pushed back into her from behind, he kissed her back and neck as they did the doggy style, he was pounding into her making her scream his name over and over,
'oh god Terence' she cried, after that moment she screamed like crazy as she climaxed bring Terence with her, they collapsed on each other and breathed heavily, he was still in her kissing her back. He pulled out making her moan and flipped her over so they were facing each other, she tracked his face with her fingers.
*** End of Lemon Scene ***
'Had fun?' he said, she laughed, grabbing her pillow and throwing it at him, he caught it and kissed her again, 'I love you Tinkerbell'
'I love you too Terence' she said before falling asleep in each others arms.
The next morning was peaceful, Tink and Terence were still asleep after last nights midnight activity, Terence was the first to wake up, he saw Tink beside him naked and remembered last night, 'thank you for not making last night a dream' he said before softly kissing the tinker. She began to wake up and saw Terence kissing her, she kissed back and wrapped her arms round his neck, they were ready for round two.
*** Very Small Lemon Scene (extremely insignificant) ***
He grabbed her waist and put her on his lap sliding himself into her, she whimpered and moaned as he pounded her again, it wasn't long before they both fell into each others arms again. He rested his head on her breasts listening to her heart beat,

*** Over ***
'I need to go now, have to get everyones Pixie Dust' he said, Tink kissed his head.
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'Yeah, Fairy Mary probably has something for me to do, and if not, I go round Pixie Hollow looking for lost things, oh wait I promised Peri I would meet her at the border today' she said, Terence kissed her then got off the bed and put his clothes on and waved goodbye,
'I'll see you later, tell Peri I said 'hi' and he was gone. Tink smiled to herself, she rose off her bed and grabbed one of her dresses and put her hair in her usual bun. Then she spotted something, on her bed was a circle of blood, she wasn't surprised for that was her first time and heard from other fairies that the bleed as well, she didn't really want to hear that, but if she didn't she would be freaking out right now. She grabbed her sheets and put them in her wash basket and put another sheet on her bed, after she was done she flew out her house and almost tripped over her package of pixie dust, she picked it up and put a bit on her before taking off to the border.
When she got there, Tink saw Periwinkle standing there ready to freeze her sister's wings, she spotted Tink and waved, Tinkerbell crossed and Peri froze her wings, 'I thought you weren't going to come' said Peri.
'I almost forgot but then I remembered' after Peri was done she said
'so how was last night after I left' Tink blushed,
'it was great' Peri saw her blush and became suspicious,
'what's with the blush Tink, what? Did you and Terence fuck or something?' Tink remained silent, Peri's mouth dropped open, 'you've got to be kidding me, oh my god, how was it?' Tink blushed more taking that Peri was asking a personal question, she cleared her throat.
'It was rather pleasurable' she said, Peri laughed,
'and I say again, I told you so, you just need faith, I told you he liked you and now I guess you have already found out'
'oh and Terence says hi' Tink informed, Peri nodded.
'Come on, let's go to my house' said Peri flying away, Tink followed and they entered her house.
'By the way, did you really mean it when you said I could keep the dress?' asked Tinkerbell,
'I told you if last night went well you could keep it, and I can already tell it went extremely well' she giggled, Tink blushed,
'ok enough about me, who were you dancing with?'
'oh me, I was dancing with a warm fairy called Elwood, he is a fast flying fairy and really nice but it wasn't as dramatic as your date' Tink smiled and sighed, Peri was enjoying teasing her sister, Peri had a lot more up her sleeve.
And that is the next one, I did mention that this chapter has a sex scene in it, I'm still waiting for reviews, I'm getting lonely,
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Anyway, I'll try and update tomorrow but for now
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Until next time