Bendy And The Ink Machine Male reader x Neglected and Abused Ruby rose. Rwby pixie cut for thin hair over 50 - Thin Hair Cuts. A once happy girl now turned depressed and hollow shadow. Summer Rose and Baby Ruby @KeithMontalbo: RWBY See more. Stay In Neverland (Peter Pan x Male!Reader x Tinkerbell) Chapter Three: Mermaid Lagoon. Yukichan Mikudesu. Somehow, (Y/n) had ripped free from Peter’s death grip and was now marveling at the beautiful ocean that surrounded Neverland. “You’ll get to fly when we go to Pixie Hollow.”.
You all know the tale of a tinker named Bell, but within her story is another to tell, a fairy born of the same laugh through similar means, who shares the same thoughts and feelings and dreams, her destiny intertwined, her actions unknown, she came to call a different place home, so hold up your ears and listen well, for the story a very special fairy is what I am about to tell.
On a very special night. A baby's laugh produced two bulbs of light that made their way to a white flower that produced two pedals. The wind blew the two pedals towards the second star to the right into Neverland and Pixie Hollow. But while one pedal headed for the Pixie Dust Tree, fate had different plans for the other. Caught on the branch of a tree, the second pedal was blown away to the far end of Pixie Hollow, across the border, into the Winter Woods. As it made its way through the woods, the pedal caught the attention of the snow fairies as the snowflakes gently touched it. Soon, the pedal flew through the stream of pixie dust that flowed into the Winter Woods.
As the fairies gathered in a large center, a white female snow fairy with short, wavy black hair and wearing a light blue, sleeveless leaf dress that went above her knees and light blue leaf boots carried the pedal down to the ground.
Meanwhile, another fairy, a white male fairy with medium length white hair and wearing a navy blue sleeveless leaf shirt, long navy blue leaf pants, long navy blue leaf boots and a long white cape came in on a large snow owl. The other fairies laid eyes on him as it seemed that he was their leader.
A white male buff fairy with short spiky black hair and wearing a light blue leaf shirt, navy blue leaf pants and navy blue leaf shoes was carrying a small cup of pixie dust which he poured over the pedal.
The snow fairies watched as the pedal took the form a young white female fairy with medium length white hair.
As the young, newborn fairy opened her eyes, she turned her head to see the new world around her and the thousands of eyes that were staring upon her. She felt an awkwardness as she attempted to speak her first words.
'...hello?' she said softly.
Just then, the leader fairy approached her. 'Welcome, young one. I am Lord Milori and welcome to the Winter Woods,' he said. 'I hope your journey here was pleasant?'
'Um...I think so,' said the fairy.
The white female black haired fairy watched the newborn fairy get aquainted with Lord Milori with a less than pleasant look on her face.
Next to her was her friend. A white female fairy with white hair in a pony tail and wearing a light blue leaf top that went over her belly button and long dark blue leaf jeans and dark blue leaf elf shoes. She looked at the new fairy with a look of approval and not as skeptic as her friend.
Lord Milori got behind the young fairy and took a look at her wings which were folded down. 'Let me fix those for you,' he said before he unfolded her wings.
Just then, one of the winter fairies arrived with a small snowflake which she presented to the young fairy.
'What's that?' the young fairy asked.
'That's your talent,' Lord Milori said. 'Take it.'
Reluctantly, the young began to inch towards the snowflake, inching her hands closer and closer until she touched it. The snow fairyies watched in amazement as the snowflake glowed a tremendous light as it touched the young fairy's hands,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! I've never seen a glow that bright before! Not even for you, Spike!' the ponytailed fairy said to the black haired fairy.

Spike looked upon the young fairy and just scoffed.
'Fellow winter fairies, I give to you the newest member to our group...Periwinkle,' said Lord Milori.
With that, Lord Milori got onto his owl and flew off, leaving the newly named Periwinkle to get more aquainted with the other fairies.
Soon Periwinkle was greeted by the pontailed fairy and the male black haired fairy. Accompanying them was a white amle fairy wearing a light blue furry hat and a dark blue leaf outfit and dark blue leaf pants.
'Well hello, hello, hello there, newbie. I'm Gliss and this is Sled, and Slush' said the ponytailed fairy as she was rapidly shaking Periwinkle's hand.
'Whussup?' said the hat wearing fairy, Slush.
As Gliss and Sled were getting aquainted with Periwinkle, Spike looked on with a bit of jealousy on her face.
'So what exactly do winter fiaries do?' asked Periwinkle.
'We bring winter to the mainland,' said Sled, the dark haired fairy.
'The mainland? What's that?' asked Periwinkle.
'That's where all the fairies go to bring in all the seasons,' said Gliss.
Suddenly, Spike flew in and grabbed Gliss by the arm. 'And what we need to prepare for, Gliss. Well nice to meet you, but as you can see, the two of us have things to do. Wish we could talk some more, too bad, gotta go, seeyua bye,' she said as pulled Gliss away from Periwinkle and the two flew away.
'Who's that?' asked Periwinkle.
'That's Spike,' said Sled. 'She's a bit rough around the ice, but she's harmless. In the meantime, let me and Slush show you around.
'Right on,' said Slush.
So Sled and Slush with Periwinkle in hand began their tour of the Winter Woods. The first place they showed her was a large forest with trees covered in ice and snow. Here, Winter fairies were frosting the leaves and branches.
'This is the Frost Forest,' said Sled.
Periwinkle looked on in amazement. 'Wow!' she said with slightly contained excitement.
'This is where the frost fairies practice their frost techniques,' said Sled.
'Including me?' asked Periwinkle.
'Including you,' said Sled.
The three continued as Periwinkle was introduced to more of the Winter Woods. On her tour, she saw winter animal fairies tending to animals such as yaks and buffalos and snow owls; glacier fairies making ice cubes and icicles.
One white fairy with white wavy hair that went over his right eye saw Slush and greeted him. 'Yo bro,' said the fairy.
'Yo man,' said Slush.
The young winter fairy was enthralled by the new world and people around her. As the morning approached, she had seen at least half of the Winter Woods. Then suddenly, she thought about what Gliss had told her about the mainland.
'So when do we go to the mainland?' she asked.
'Actually, the Winter Fairies just finished their rounds. It's Spring and that's the job of the warm fairies,' said Sled.
'Warm fairies?' Periwinkle asked.
'Yeah. The warm fairies are the ones that live in the other season like Spring, Fall and Summer. Over there,' Sled said.
As the three stopped, Sled pointed to far out in the distance, far beyond the Winter Woods where the other seasons resided. Periwinkle looked and saw how different the other seasons were from hers and suddenly, a great curiousity befell her.
'Wow! Do you think maybe we could go there?' she asked.
Sled and Slush stared at her in shock.
Pixie Hollow X Male Reader Book
'Woah, no way, man!' said Slush.
'Winter fairies are forbidden from going into the other seasons,' said Sled.
'Says who?' Perwinkle pouted.
'Says the man,' said Slush.

'The man?' asked Periwinkle.
'Lord Milori,' said Sled. 'His rule is that no Winter fairies are to ever cross the border.'
'Why?' asked Periwinkle.
'It's too hot over there. We wouldn't last a day in that heat, but enough about that, let's get you to your home,' said Sled.
As they continued, Periwinkle couldn't help but still think of the other world out there and just could be there.
The three fairies arrived at Periwinkle's home. It was a quaint little place that overlooked the snowy hills and mountains of the Winter Woods.
Periwinkle was amazed as she and Sled and Slush went inside. The young winter fairy got herself a good look around. 'This is my home?' she asked.
'Yep, we had it prepared just in case a new arrival came,' said Sled.
After looking around, Periwinkle walked up to the front end of her home and looked out. Her eyes widened at the amazing view she had. And just in the distance, she noticed what looked like a small golden light and turned to Sled. 'Sled, what's that?' she asked.
'What's what?' Sled responded.
'That light...over there,' said Periwinkle.
Sled looked and noticed what Periwinkle was talking about. 'Oh, that's the Pixie Dust Tree,' he said.
'What's that?' asked Periwinkle.
Pixie Hollow X Male Reader Reviews
'That's where all the pixie dust in Pixie Hollow comes from,' said Sled. 'But no one's ever been to it since it's in the warm seasons. Luckily, the dust travels all the way here. that's how you came to be.'

Periwinkle continued to look on. The thought crept in her mind over and over again that there was a new world out there.
'Hey! Me and Slush gotta get goin. When you're all ready, come by the Frost Forest. You can get some practice in,' said Sled.
Pixie Hollow Uk
'Later,' said Slush.
And with that, Sled and Slush flew off, leaving Periwinkle to herself.
As she looked around some more, she discovered a closet filled with a large assortment of leafs in all different shades of blue. She went to try them on and found that they were rather big on her. With the aid of a pair of scissors, she first cut a thin pair of pants, follow by a top. All the while, her hair was getting caught in her face. After taking care of her outfit and her shoes, she worked on her hair next. She worked it and worked it and shaped it until it formed a sort of swirl on her head with spikes going back.
She had also made a pair of small white puff balls for her shoes. She took a look at them for a minute then placed them in her outfit. 'Hmmm, I think I'll wear these later,' Periwinkle said.
With her new look, Periwinkle was now prepared. She flew off and began to make her way to the Frost Forest.