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- 25' Tinkerbell Flower foil balloon, party decoration, Pixie Hollow, fairy party, Nashville Balloon Shop, FAST SHIP CelebratetheDayparty 5 out of 5 stars (166) $ 8.00 Only 3 left.
- Pixie Hollow Games is a 30-minute television special broadcast on November 19, 2011, on Disney Channel. Based on the Disney Fairies franchise, it was produce.
Everything you need for a Tinkerbell Party!
Come Fly with Us!
Fly with TinkerBell into the secret world of Pixie Hollow in Neverland with our TinkerBell party ideas. It’s a magical journey into the world of fairies and sparrow men where Tinker Bell lives along with her four best friends. Imagine having a party that your child feels like they’re in Pixie Hollow. Turn your party into a beautiful forest complete with a Tinker Bell treasure hunt, rainbow cake, magic wands, lighted fairy wings, TinkerBell birthday cake and many other Tinkerbell party ideas. Photo courtesy of JDHancock.
TinkerBell has been a favorite of children for a many years. She’s mischievous and adventurous and quite curious, especially about the mainland. If your child loves Tinkerbell you will find that there are lots of beautiful and creative ideas (for all budgets) to have a great party and create some wonderful memories.
We have lots of creative TinkerBell party ideas including accompanying theme games, activities and crafts to have a fantastic party!
TinkerBell party theme has so many possibilities you might have a difficult time choosing what ideas to keep and which ones to leave out. The good news is there’s lots to choose from just remember to keep your budget in mind. Great kids birthday parties take planning because it’s easy to get carried away and you don’t need to spend a lot to have an awesome party.
What's The Best Kids' Party You've Ever Been To? | TinkerBell has become so popular that now there are themes within the TinkerBell theme. It helps to know which party theme you are planning for. Currently there are 6 different themes. |
TinkerBell has become so popular that now there are themes within the TinkerBell theme. It helps to know which party theme you are planning for. Currently there are 6 different themes.
TinkerBell Themes
There are 6 different TinkerBell themes you can use.
- TinkerBell and Peter Pan
- TinkerBell-Tink speaks, meet Disney Fairies, turn winter into spring
- TinkerBell and the Lost Treasure-Autum Revelry, Moonstone, Terence, Blaze
- TinkerBell and the Great Fairy Rescue-Tink meets a human (Lizzy) for the first time.
- Pixie Hollow Games-Disney Fairies sports competition at its's best. Different teams & talents.
- Secret of the Wings-Journey to Winter Woods, Meets Periwinkle
Decide where you will have your child’s party. There are many venues depending on what kind of party you want and how many quests you are inviting. Here are some options:
- Your house (inside or outside)
- Park
- Rent a room or hall
- Clubhouse
- Church hall
- A friend's house
- Party place
After deciding on a TinkerBell themed party and location, the first thing you need is a guest list. Deciding if it’s an all girl party or a boys and girls party is important for the other parts of planning (i.e. crafts, favors, etc.). The other thing to keep in mind is the age group.
Ask yourself and your child the following questions:
1. How many guests?
2. All girls?
3. Girls and Boys?
4. Are your guests 2 -4 year olds?
5. Are they 5-7 years old?
6. Do they range from 2 to 12 years of age?
Knowing this will help you shape the rest of your party; what you buy, what games you play, what activities and crafts to do, and so on.
Your TinkerBell party ideas start with the perfect invitation which set the tone for the magic that’s to come. Sending a creative and fun birthday invitation dazzle them before they even get to the party. If it’s a DIY card, look online for nice rhyming invitation phrasing, just do a Google search for 'kids birthday invitation wording' and get creative. Knowing if you will be hand delivering them or mailing them will vary your choices.
Homemade or ready-made?
- Shaped- Star, Wings, Tink's Shoe, Fairy Skirt
- 3D - Make your invitation and embellish with flowers or other objects.
- Balloon Invitation- Write invitaton on pretty paper, roll it and tie with a ribbon and place inside a deflated purple (add a little confetti), green or pink balloon , then blow it up, tie colored strings and hand deliver.
- Pixie Hollow Flower Invitation - Write invitaton on pretty paper, roll it and tie with a ribbon, place it inside a large plastic flower with stem, sprinkle some pixie dust (glitter) and hand deliver or place the flower (without the stem) inside a clear plastic box, wrap and mail.
- Disney Printable Invitations - Visit (Disney) and type 'fairies party invitations), download and print.
- TinkerBell Puzzle Invitation - See picture below
- Sound Card Invitation - If you're feeling adventurous and have time, you can make your own sound card invitations. It's not hard but it is time consuming so instead of trying to explain it, just go to
- Make a CD Invitation- Record a CD with the party information or record your favorite song (download from iTunes) and write party information on the cover. For is more for older children (ages 9-12) but it would be fun to record some of the TinkerBell movie songs and put the birthday information on the cover like a label.
- Pre-packaged
- Customize online ( you customize, company prints and mails them to you.
- Printables
- Puzzle invitations
- Personalized - Use your child's picture to make an extra special invitation.
Tip – remember to put any additional instructions on your child’s invitation like “come in your fairy best” or “bring your Fairy doll”.
Here are some pictures of homemade kids birthday party invitations to inspire you.
TinkerBell Wallpaper
Use this wallpaper below as the background for a special and unique TinkerBell invitation. Print on card stock paper and after you print the birthday information put glitter along the starlit rays.
I recently ran across this free lovely 'fill-in-the-blank' letter to send to the birthday child from Tink.
What fairy-loving child wouldn't want a letter from Tink?
Update (March 2016)- We are sorry to inform you that the Letter from a Fairy Friend is no longer available. We will miss it!
- Choose a theme. There are 3 choices
- Birthday
- Greetings
- Congratulations.
2. Type in name of child
3. How old birthday child is turning
- Choices are from 1 thru 13 years of age
4. Having fun - You have 4 choices
- 'with all your friends',
- 'and get lots of presents',
- 'at your party'
- 'playing Pixie games'.
5. Choose to complete sentence
6. Click 'Submit' and then 'Print'.
Here's the finished letter ready for delivery. Imagine how it exciting for the birthday child to receive a birthday wish from TinkerBell.
This magical letter comes from Pixie Hollow and signed by Tink. This is Tinker Bell's signature in case someone's checking.
TinkerBell Party Ideas and Decorations
One of the many fun parts about Tinkerbell party ideas is the decorating and there are wonderful ideas and merchandise for every budget. There are so many possibilities and the color scheme is beautiful and varied. You have the 3 main colors, which are pink, green and purple with variations from light to dark. If you’re going for more of a pixie hollow look, then all colors are fair game and could be used with underlying earth tones (for that 'forestry' feel).
How you decorate and what you decorate with will depend a lot on where you are having the party. You can always modify an idea so that it works for your party location.
For example, if you want a fairy gardenas your backdrop for the party, it doesn't mean you have to have the party outside. Bring the outside in by making a pretend garden indoors. Here are some ideas on how to make an indoor fairy garden for your birthday party.
- Use brown paper in a roll to make the ground by taping long pieces together to cover the floor of the party area.
- Make boulders by crumpling brown grocery paper bags.
- Make different size flowers from gift wrapping tissue paper
- Make Disney Fairy cutouts to put in your 'garden'.
- Make forest friends like lady bugs, frogs, birds and butterflies.
Your tablecloth can be printed (TinkerBell) or in one of the party theme solid colors. Having everything with a TinekerBell on it might look a bit too busy so if you choose a printed tablecloth then you could go with solid color cups and napkins or vise versa. You can also consider a TinkerBell centerpiece or make one of your own.
Tulle fabric (what tutus are made of) can be used by gathering it like a swag or like a curtain above or behind the table. You can wrap it around the guests’ chairs for a fairy magical look. Tulle fabric is also perfect for making handmade 'no sew' tutus like the one in the picture (more about this in the 'TinkerBell party favor' section).Party Area Decorations
Turn your backyard into Pixie Hollow. If you have an area with flowers you can designate it as your fairy garden and decorate with fairy cutouts you can make at home. Simply find your child’s favorite fairies online, print, glue to cardstock (or anything stiff like a cereal box) then cut out the fairy, glue it to a popsicle stick and place in the ground. If your child is old enough, this is a fun project you can do together.
Isn't this fairy garden beautiful?
One of my favorite TinkerBell party ideas is recreating something from the party-themed movie. Transform your party area into a beautiful fairy garden where your guests can feel like they are in a real fairy world. It doesn't have to be so elaborate, as the one above (although, I would definitely go for it) and you can do something similar by buying small potted flowers (Home Depot, Lowe's, garden center or plant nursery) and arranging them in a designated area. While the real flowers give it a natural look, you can also buy fake flowers to decorate with. Dollar stores are a fantastic place to buy fake flowers and what's good about fake flowers is that it's easy to break up the stems and spread them out throughout the party area.
To re-create the large decorative rocks, you can do what I did for Ariel's grotto.
- Take brown grocery paper bags, tear the bags open so they are one sheet.
- Brush a similar color (acrylic paint) to match the color you want. For example, you can use a medium brown paint and a brownish-orange paint and do brush strokes with a 3' (7.6cm) brush in different directions until you have the desired effect.
- Make a shape of the rock you want by crunching up grocery bags (not the one you painted) or old newspapers and secure together with tape by going around the shape a few times.
- Wet the non-painted side so it is easier to mold.
- Lay your painted grocery bag sheet over your taped structure and make it into the shape you want.
Make several rocks in different sizes for a more natural look (like the picture). Place flowers around parts of the rocks.
If your feeling adventurous and crafty, you can make a TinkerBell statue.
Use the same concept as the rocks by crunching newspaper (more manageable than grocery paper) and start making the TinkerBell shape. Use tape as you to help you build the shape. You can also use aluminum foil if you want a 'skinnier' TinkerBell. Once you have the shape, use store-bought moss to cover the statue. Color the dress moss with darker green paint. Color Tink's hair yellow. Use wire hangers or craft wire for the wings and spray paint the wings. I would add some sparkle to the wings by using silver or gold glitter, after all, it is a party!
One of my favorite TinkerBell party ideas is recreating the fairy garden in the picture above in a much smaller scale and use it as a table centerpiece for a gift table, or dessert bar.
Making Pixie Hollow
Transform your fairy garden into Pixie Hollow. One of many TinkerBell party ideas is to add insects like butterflies, caterpillars, ladybugs and little garden animals like frogs and mushrooms to your fairy garden to make it come to life. Make these crafts using construction paper and toilet paper rolls. These crafts are fun, easy and the perfect project to share with your child.
I thought it would be easier to 'show' you rather than 'tell' you how to make these easy crafts so I found these really cool kid-friendly videos that show you how to make these easy kids crafts for your TinkerBell birthday party.
Butterfly Kids Craft
I would also paint the butterfly body and add some glitter to the wings. Make several in different colors for variety and in different sizes. Cut toilet paper roll for smaller butterflies and use paper towel rolls for larger ones.
Frog Kids Craft
Mushroom Kids Craft
Quick and easy craft. Make in different colors and sizes.
Caterpillar Kids Craft
Notice that she cuts all the circles at once by putting different colored sheets of construction paper together.
Ladybug Kids Craft
If your birthday child is older or you want a more realistic feel to your fairy garden, use artificial butterflies and birds. You can often find these at dollar stores.
More Creative TinkerBell Party Ideas for Decorating
- Plant real or fake flowers in your child's Pixie Hollow (backyard) or party area.
- Print and cutout faires, glue to popsicle sticks and place in your Pixie Hollow or fairy garden.
- Place 'Welcome to Pixie Hollow' or 'Welcome to Neverland' signs
- Make beautiful tissue paper flowers in different colors and sizes, tape them to a dowel and place on the ground.
- Cut out huge maple leaves from brown, yellow and orange construction paper. Place on the ground below the flowers on the front entrance walkway to the front door.
- Make or buy huge colorful pinwheels and decorate your party area. Because pinwheels move with the wind they make your backyard come to life. You can buy huge flower pinwheels at places like Oriental Trading Co. online, Michaels or craft stores. Try to find the huge ones for a more dazzling effect.
- Make huge white cotton ball flowers (as seen in Disney's Tinker Bell & the Lost Treasure movie) by crumpling paper grocery bags into a big ball (use masking tape to keep the form). Then wrap them in white tissue paper and glue white cotton balls all around and when finished spray with glitter spray. Poke a hole in the cotton ball, insert a dowel (painted in green or wrapped in green tape)and glue in place. Now you're ready to place in the ground. It looks pretty if you make about 4 cotton balls in different sizes and plant near each other (like a cotton field)
- You can also use this ball and make a hot air balloon using a small round basket, 3 dowels and some string. If your child has one, place a TinkerBell doll inside and display in your Pixie Hollow garden. You can also use it to place prizes or party favors.
- Use plastic, foam or cellophane (in case of rain) to make the flowers. Check your nearest dollar store, Joanne Fabrics, Michael's (pictured) or craft store for plastic flowers and other craft materials. We have Dollar Tree stores near where we live and you would be surprised at what they are carrying these days, including mylar balloons, balloon weights, plastic flowers, TinkerBell fairy skirts and shoes (for little kids), wands, tiaras, paper products, etc. If you want to keep your wallet from thinning out we strongly recommend going to your nearest dollar store before shopping anywhere else.
For the ground use lots of brown paper bags taped together by using double sided tape and overlapping the paper so the tape doesn’t show. Paint some parts green and then place potted or “fake” plants and flowers in bright beautiful colors on the green parts of the 'ground'. You can use things like fluttering butterflies or moving flowers for a more animated feel. I recently found these little plastic moving butterflies called 'solar powered butterfly or flower flip flaps' which are really cute but a bit pricey (Amazon $8.47 each) but if you buy in bulk from other vendors they come out to about $2.00 each. Don’t worry if you don’t have these, the children will be animation enough.
Tissue Paper Pom Poms
Another great and inexpensive idea is making crepe paper or tissue paper pom poms. These decorations are easy to make and really add to a party decor.
Use the Tinker Bell party theme colors of green, hot pink and yellow as inspiration. Make solid color pom poms and some by combining colors like light green and yellow in one pom pom. You can do this by alternating colors of sheets. An example would be if you are using 12 sheets, put 3 green and 3 yellow and repeat with 3 green and 3 yellow. Hot pink and light pink also make a nice combination. If you're going with more of a Pixie Hollow party theme, you can incorporate some 'earthy' autumn colors.
Pick 2 main colors and an accent color as a base color scheme and then add accordingly. In the example below you can see 4 different colors of pom poms yet look how well they work together. What I love most about pom poms is that they are such great space fillers and add an element of fun. Add to that the fact that they are relatively inexpensive (can find most colors at dollar stores) and easy to make, and you have yourself a winning decoration.
Here's a video tutorial on how to make these tissue paper pom poms.
Note: You can use string instead of wire to tie the middle of the pom pom.

Crepe Paper Pom Poms
Crepe paper (streamer paper) pom poms are so pretty and easy to make. Look at the one below inspired by a flower from Inchmark.
She used the camellia flower (above) for inspiration. The image below is actually a soccer ball piñata, stripped of its original crepe paper.
Take a roll of streamer paper and fold about 8 times to the width of about 3 inches (7.62 cm), depending on the size of your pom pom, then scallop the top of the paper. Open paper and cut in half so you have 2 '4-petal' pieces (the example below used individual petal pieces). If you're making a piñata, you can use her soccer ball base idea. But if you're making decorations, a more economic way to build your base is to blow up a large balloon, glue a couple of layers of paper mache (strips of newspaper soaked in watered down glue) around the balloon and let dry several hours. Then start at the bottom and layer as you work your way up.
Here's a cute 'mommy & me' crepe paper flower idea. These flowers are easy and fun to make. Use them to decorate your Pixie Hollow garden or your Tinker Bell party table.
- Take a strip of crepe paper (streamer paper) about 6 to 8 inches (15.2 - 20.3 cm) long and gather to make a circle and glue ends together.
- Cut out construction paper circles for the center with a regular scissor, a decorative scissor or with a decorative hope punch.
- For the center, use craft buttons that you can embellish by using acrylic paints or sharpie markers.
- For the stem, wrap any of the following with crepe paper:
- Floral wire
- Straws
- Chopsticks
- Lollipop Sticks
You can also use these crepe paper flowers to decorate your party favors. Embellish by:
- Using Tinker Bell and/or Disney Fairy stickers for the center.
- Construction paper circles - Write 'Thank You' in the middle.
- Construction paper circles - brush with glue and sprinkle pixie dust (fine glitter).
There are so many different ways to make these, that your imagination is the limit. For the container, use things you have around the house like cans or tissue boxes wrapped in decorative paper or green moss. Terra cotta pots that you can get at most dollar stores.
Have fun with your child and let them create their own version; there is no wrong way to make them. It's these moments that count the most and there really aren't enough of them. So enjoy, and have a great party.
Balloons are great for decorating because not only are they festive, balloons are relatively inexpensive and they are so versatile. You can have simple bouquets (pictured above left) or a more elaborate balloon arrangement (pictured above right). We think you would agree that they both look pretty and add to the rooms' decor. It all depends on what look you want. The 3-balloon arrangement above gives the room a more elegant feel while the colorful flower bouquet is more fun and festive.
Arrange balloons into small bouquets and tie to ends of streamers. Place small toys (not heavy) in deflated balloons and blow them up with helium and tie a long ribbon to balloon (long enough that your guests can jump and catch the ribbon). Have your guests pop them (one per child and make sure you have enough for everyone) to reveal the surprise. If you don’t mind the mess you can add a little bit of pixie dust (gold confetti) inside the balloon.
Party Supplies
Once you have your location and theme you can plan what party supplies you need. In thinking about TinkerBell party ideas, first ask your child the following:
1. Do they want TinkerBell alone or TinkerBell and her Fairy friends?
Pixie Hollow Themed Party Ideas
2. Do they want 'Pixie Hollow', 'Neverland' or other setting? (this may depend on whether you are inviting all girls or boys and girls)
3. TinkerBell party supplies come in various designs so you may want to ask your child which one he/she likes.
Remember that everything doesn't have to have a TinkerBell on it (see Tableware above).
Don't go Shopping Yet!!
You're not ready to shop yet. Deciding on things like color scheme, party favors, games and party food BEFORE you go shopping will minimize the amount of trips to the store. THIS A ESSENTIAL!
Before you embark on your shopping, read our Birthday Party Checklist (see Organization below) and print our Free Birthday Party Supply List (see Organization below). With this birthday supply list you will be able to check off as you go along. And remember, retail stores and online stores make everything look very appealing so keep your checklist handy and ONLY buy what you need.
Organization - It's important to be organized when thinking through your TinkerBell party ideas. It will help to have your Kids Birthday Party Checklist and your Birthday Party Supply List handy. Click on both of these and print them free for your use.
TinkerBell Party Supplies
Find the latest in TinkerBell party supplies including decorations, invitations, tableware, balloons, cake supplies, party favors, toys, gifts, room decor, apparel, costumes and lots more at our TinkerBell party supplies page HERE. Once there, look at the picture of the TinkerBell party table at the top of the page. We wanted to share this example of using generic solid color party ware in combination with TinkerBell printed items. Why? To demonstrate how lovely the solids go with just a few printed items to make a beautiful tablescape and how you can save by buying solid color items as part of your decorations.
Come along and play in the magical world of Tinker Bell and her Fairy friends. We have over 20 Tinker Bell Party Games for girls and boys and for all ages. Recreate the Pixie Hollow games like Mouse Polo and Car Races. Come see what the fun is all about and pick your child's favorite games to have a Flitterific celebration!
Little girls love dressing up as their favorite princess and part of the dressing up is having a beautiful hairstyle to match. These buns cost a pretty penny if you have it done outside the home but you can make it for practically nothing by using an old sock.
There are several ways to make Tink's bun and we wanted to share with you 3 easy methods. We thought a video tutorial would be the easiest way to show you. We found 3 great videos to share with you.
Tinker Bell Hairstyle Tutorial for Long Hair
Tinker Bell Hairstyle Tutorial for Shorter Hair
Tinker Bell Hairstyle Tutorial
with Sock (or chignon) at Base of Ponytail
Pixie Hollow Themed Party Invitations
Use these TinkerBell Thank-You Labels for your next TinkerBell party. You can use them to decorate your party favor container, bag or box and you can also use them to seal party favor bags. The best's FREE.