They are born having the understanding of constellations and are expert navigators and are by far the brightest creatures of Pixie Hollow. The phases of the moon affect the strength of a light-talent fairy's magic. During full moons, their skills are most powerful. And during a new moon, their magic is at the weakest.
What one are you? A TinkerArt fairyLight fairyGarden fairyTake this quiz and find out!SIMPLES!

Disney Fairy Pixie Hollow Game
- It's the night before your holiday to Greese and you hear on the news that Greese airports are closes and employies are on strike, you...
Go out in the Garden a cry
Do some drawing and listen to some music to take you mind of it
Play with your lego
Go into the garden and play with some fireflies.
- Your BFF is coming roung to play.Well what do you play or do?
Play tag in the Garden
Make things
- It's playtime at school and the shool bullies come over and bully you, you...
Run who want to get bullied?
Say 'Pick on someone on your own size!'and then kick em! And run
Get you mate to defend you
- It time for shopping at bluewater and your parents ask you which shops you would like to go in first. Which one do you go in first
Game, to get the new D.S game 'Art academy'and crafty arts
The seed shop to plant more things in your garden.
The tool shop
The Disney shop im still young and I don't care who is watching. Im still young ar't I?
- Your camera broke you...
Hide it my parents will kill me!
Tell them. They will find out eventully
Fix it
I don't have a camera