Skip navigation. By gtminer on Oct 1, 14 8:32 PM I wouldn't recommend spending too much on the wheel for an egg. There are so many wonderful people here that will happily give you an egg. Just put a request for an egg up on the 'Egg to Trade' thread. If you do, make sure to include your friend code so that if someone has an egg for you, they can send you a.
Pixie Hollow Game

Pixie Hollow Create A Fairy And Fly
Reviews for Ask anything- disney fairies |
Guest chapter 4 . 1/26/2017 Redleaf: Did you ever have a romantic interest when you were younger? Now that I think about it, I'd like to hear about that from all of the Ministers |
Anonymus1129 chapter 1 . 3/25/2016 Minister of Autumn: If you can be king of Pixie Hollow what will be your first proclamation? |
DSX62415chapter 4 . 1/28/2016 Tink: Who would win in a fight: You in a custom Iron Man suit (basically like a super robot to citizens of Pixie Hollow) or a 4 bot Iron Legion squad? All of ya: Anyone here fans of any tokusatsu shows, if yes, which ones? The whole Tinker guild: could you guys build a super robot to defend the hollow if you wanted to? Tink again: Are you still friends with any members of Disney's royal court (Snow White, Aurora, ect.)? |
Loved Forbidden chapter 1 . 1/18/2016 Lord Milori:would u rather have your wing fixed or have a baby with Claroin |
blurredtoyou chapter 1 . 1/17/2016 minister of winter: are you troublesome when you were younger? p.s lord milori , queen clarion and ministers, please confirm if her answer i true. |
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2016 Queen clarion- have you ever been stoned? Lord milori- same Queen clarion- have you and lord milori ever been stoned it drunk together? |
Jas chapter 1 . 1/15/2016 |
rylien11chapter 1 . 1/16/2016 To Fawn- Do you have a crush on anyone? If you do, are you ever going to date them? |
FrozenTinkerbellPotter-Lover15chapter 1 . 1/14/2016 fairy mary: How long have you been the leader of the tinkers? vidia: Why are you so boastful about your talent? I mean I know you're turning over a new leaf starting with the great fairy rescue but still! Lord milori: What was your impression of queen clarion when you met her for the first time at the border? Queen clarion: do fairys live forever? And maybe you can ask a healing talent this but what is the fairy flu like? Is it just like Clumsy flu with some differences? |
lauraotaku22chapter 1 . 1/14/2016 Periwinkle: Who do you prefer Sled or Slush? Have you ever had a crush on a warm side sparrowman? How would you react if Tink tells you she is a lesbian and she has a crush on you? If you find Dewey masturbating how would you react? #hellaweirdquest |